Planning accepted

On Thursday the 23 May, Winchester City Council agreed a resolution to grant consent for the comprehensive redevelopment of the final phase of Northfields Farm. This marks the culmination of extensive consultation, planning and collaborative efforts aimed at revitalising the site and creating a vibrant, sustainable hub for commercial activity and local employment, Hazeley Enterprise Park.

The four-year redevelopment project will see our existing site evolve into a modern, attractive and vibrant business destination. It will feature a mix of office and light industrial commercial buildings and a central hub with café and meeting spaces. Our high-quality development will offer energy-efficient commercial buildings that complement the surrounding area and respect its position within the South Downs National Park.

A key feature of the approved redevelopment plan is the removal of the feed mill, the largest mill of its type in southern England. Hazeley Group has worked closely with its neighbours, local authorities and other agencies to enable its removal. The mill will be demolished by 2026. It will be replaced by buildings that are significantly smaller in scale and energy-efficient which will seamlessly integrate with the surrounding landscape and the adjacent enterprise park.

The redevelopment project is expected to address the shortage of quality business units in the area, potentially creating over 360 additional employment opportunities. It will also enhance pedestrian and cycle connectivity with the village and establish a new wildlife area featuring enhanced grassland species and broadleaved woodland.

Hazeley Group Developments Director, Andrew Uwins, said “We are thrilled to receive a resolution to grant consent for the comprehensive redevelopment of our former farm site. This project represents a significant investment in the local economy and community, and we are committed to delivering a development that balances social, economic, and environmental considerations while enhancing the natural beauty of the area.”

The Hazeley Enterprise Park development will incorporate many sustainable features such as photovoltaic panels, green roofs, electric car charging, and cycle storage, reflecting a commitment to energy efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Andrew added “We are dedicated to sustainable development and responsible land use, and this approval reaffirms our commitment to creating a thriving, environmentally conscious destination that benefits both businesses and the local community,”

Unit 15A Hazeley Enterprise Park,
Hazeley Road, Twyford
SO21 1QA